We like to think that one of the most stable things in our world is, well, our world itself. The land under out feet. We're aware it moves, but at such slow rates that it takes hundreds or thousands of years to even really notice any difference. With the Mandela Effect, landmasses around the Earth have been moving around constantly for perhaps years now.

Some of these changes are recorded Mandela Effects, others people have not paid much attention to because they have been moving much more gradually. We'd be wrong though to talk about the "before" and "current", as landmasses on our globe are changing every single day still.

Some people can, or will not perceive changes in geography. The reason is usually that their subconscious is fighting with the idea of a change so radical that a whole piece of land could move, and so they cannot see it. For those, just move along until you're ready.

For those who are curious about it, we will detail some of the biggest things that are changed or changing. There are some very clear trends in the direction of these changes, and so we will also make some simple predictions of what you can expect, and what the implications are for our world. There is so much changing, in every single part of the world, that of course we're missing many changes. We made no effort to be complete, just to sketch the big lines of what's changing. Feel free to add to the list, it's not meant to be exhaustive.

All changes mentioned below were studied using one single map system, Google Earth. These maps are static, 1-4 years old and not being upgraded, so no influences of seasons or tectonic movements.


- The disappearance of the ice cap on the North Pole. In Al Gore's documentary, he details how this ice cap is going to melt, yet now, it's never existed at all (not even in maps of 500 years old.

- Greenland has gotten far larger, perhaps 10 times as much surface area.

- Iceland has gotten much smaller.

- The island Svalbart appeared above Norway, messing up the previously highest north point in Norway. This is the island where the Narwhals are from, which many ME people also do not remember. Since that initial change, Svalbart has gotten some smaller siblings even further north.

- Norway itself has gotten much narrower.

- Russia has gotten a lot bigger. It used to be more or less the same size as continental US, currently google tells us it's 1.8 times bigger than the US. Just last month, when we checked the same statistic, it was 1.7.

- Russia now also has nearly independent territories, like the small part of Russia called Kaliningrad, under Lithuania.

- Poland has gotten much bigger.

- Germany has drastically changed shape. Berlin used to be roughly in the centre of the country, now it's very close to Poland - not because the city changed, but because the borders did. The Berlin Wall historically now also loops around very very strangely.

- Denmark is getting smaller, it's borders are changing, and its islands have been growing in size and number. This is one of the most fascinating places in the world to watch for changes because there are so many.

- The UK has tilted to the side, and the shape of the islands on top, as well as the number of islands, keeps changing.

- Spain has changed in shape. Specifically, the Strait of Gibraltar used to be much, much wider. Both Europe and Africa have grown upwards to make this happen.

- Italy has tilted a lot to the side, and the whole Mediterranean area has become smaller. Europe is closer to Africa than it used to be. Siscily is much closer to mainland Italy, nearly touching, as are the Italian islands Corsica and Sardinia.

- There are more islands in Greece, and they are closer together than they used to be. Cyprus, on the other hand, has moved further away.

- Istanbul (Constantinople) is now located on a land bridge between the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara. It used to be very important as a trading centre and a harbor, but now hardly has the position for that anymore.

- You can now rotate the globe in such a way that almost all you see is Pacific Ocean. The continents seem squished together, creating this massive open space.

- New Zealand used to be to the East and above Australia, now it's to the Earst and below. Technically, New Zealand is now the land-down-under

- Hawaii has 8 islands now, 9 if you count the tiny little thing that showed up yesterday. It used to have 7, and they used to be aligned on a straight line. There was much local mythology about the way in which these 7 sacred islands represented the 7 chakras in the human energy system. Now, that mythology is difficult to find back.

- Some islands are starting to appear off the South Pole, much like Svalbart appeared off the North Pole.

- Australia moved several hundred miles up, and is now nearly touching New Guinea and Indonesia. When it first moved, it was more to the East, closer to New Guinea, but over the last month it's been moving closer to Indonesia instead.

- The top of Australia used to be nearly flat, now it has two big bumps sticking out of it, and there is the Gulf of Carpentaria.

- The sea-turtle looking thing that is Indonesia and New Guinea has been changing constantly for months. A whole new island appeared under its mouth, with many tiny little islands around it. A week later, that island doubled in size. The lower jaw of the turtle's mouth has split and moved down (really messing up this metaphor). There are now also two bigger islands above its neck that weren't there last week, and one off its nose. Its left foot was a peninsula two weeks ago, and has now completely grown into the mainland. It used to have a tiny tail (New Britain), then a long tail (bigger New Britain + closer Latangai Island), then two tails (Port Moresby). Already, Australia's previously very unique species, evolved there because the island was so remote, are found in many of the suddenly closeby islands. They were not there yet for the first few months after Australia moved, but the changes seem to have propagated now.

- Tazmania is further away from Australia than it used to be.

- New Zealand used to be north-east of Australia, now it's south-east. Technically, this and not Australia is now the land down under. It's also gotten bigger.

- Singapore has almost doubled in size.

- North Korea and South Korea have moved from being located off the coast of China, to being off the coast of Russia.

- Japan in the south, much closer to South Korea and in the north, much closer to mainland Russia. The islands of Japan have also changed, and merged into a more solid island chain.

- South Korea has gotten larger, North Korea has gotten smaller.

- The Yellow Sea has given birth the to Bohai Sea closer to Beijing.

- Alaska (US) has grown more islands on its western tail, and has grown a smaller tail behind that (Kodiak Island, Rugged/Ragged island and the like). It's also closer to Russia than it used to be.

- Canada has lost half of it's Western Border to the US, it's now owned by Alaska instead of Canada.

- The Great Lakes of the US have changed shape so many times now, they look nothing like the original. State borders have also changed. For example, there are now little "hops" in the border with Canada that weren't there a month or two ago.

- The US itself has changed in size, it's gotten much smaller. The distance from one side of the US to the other has gotten shorter, and people report driving from home to work, but physically suddenly making fewer miles. It's also changed in shape, it's gotten more squished.

- South America used to be nearly straight under North America, now it's moved very far over to the right. We're talking a distance of (very, very roughly) 
3500 km to the east.

- Because of this, everything between North and South America has gotten squished. The Gulf of Mexico is now almost closed off, flanked by the Yucatan in Mexico, Florida in the US and Cuba in front.

- Cuba has almost doubled in size.

- Mexico now runs north-west to south-east, instead of almost diagonally downwards.

- The Panama Canal, allowing ships to pass between the Americas, used to run from west to east (or vice versa, obviously), now it runs almost north to south. It's still changing.

- There is now a set of islands called the Macgowen Reef far off the cost of Equador.

- Brazil has gotten 4 to 5 times as big as before.

- South America is getting closer to Antarctica.

- The Falkland islands have gotten much bigger.

Added bonus:

- The Alps have gone from mostly 3000-some meter high mountain tops to 2000-some meter high mountain tops.

- The Himalayas have gone from mostly 6000-7000+ meter high mountain tops to 4000-5000-some high mountain tops.

This is just a very generic, very broad overview of the changes that happened so far. You can zoom into almost any country, and town, and find changes like these - sometimes small and subtle, sometimes massive and hard to grasp. These changes are only mildly interesting in their own right, but become absolutely fascinating when you look at the larger trends they form.


These trends are based on how we've seen landmasses changing over the past two or three months. Changes are happening sometimes on a day to day basis, sometimes nothing much happens for a week, then there are massive changes again. They're in very specific directions, and you can see these trends happening almost in real time.

= General trends =

- There is a huge trend towards connectivity. Landmasses all over the world seem to be reaching out towards each other, forming landbridges, connected areas, and as a result, inland seas. Some have already very nearly connected (like Sri Lanka off India), others keep getting closer and reaching out more. As landmasses connect, across history so will different races - both animal species as humans with different skin colours and traditions. There will be much more trade, cultural transmission, a better development of a global language, and as a result, less separation and misunderstanding and cultural bias. Many of the wars across history would not have happened or worked out very different if people understood one another's language and culture better and had no fear of them.

- As a sub-set of greater connectivity, inland seas are forming all over the globe. When something has "always been" an inland sea, you eventually get freshwater rather than saltwater seas, which leads to easier and faster development of civilisation, more trade with other nations on the same sea, more cultural sharing, less pressure to survive and so more space for cultures to specialise and create artists, architects, and much more. You can see a smaller versino of in the many native tribes around the Canadian inland seas. As inland freshwater seas become more common, we will have civilisations much sooner in our history, and they will be more peaceful, better developed, and last longer.

- Another sub-set of greater connectivity, mountain ranges are getting lower. Mountain ranges across history have served as barriers between nations or entire cultures, preventing cultural crossbreeding and trade. They now seem to be getting lower by the hundreds to thousands of meters. You can watch this happen.

- New landmasses are forming in what is now the Pacific. You can start to see it along the new, recently named continent "Zealandia".

= Specific trends =

We mention names of these areas, so you can put them in Google Earth or any other map system yourself and check them out across the coming months.

- Iceland is trying to merge in with Greenland.

- Denmark is trying to merge in with Sweden, Sweden and Finland are trying to touch at Aland, and there are a huge amount of new islands in the area where there used to be open sea. The Gulf of Riga on the Baltic sea used to have two little islands above it, that have now nearly merged into the land. The whole Gulf is expected to disappear.

- Ireland is merging in with the UK, still slowly, but there are many more islands between the two now than just weeks ago. Northern Ireland is expected to merge in with northern Scotland.

- The UK has gotten much closer to mainland Europe, specifically France. This trend is expected to go slower than many of the others because the UK is so central to much of the world and people would have trouble handling it, but it will eventually become part of the mainland. Good luck with Brexit then :)

- Tunisia is slowly growing towards the Italian island Sicily, which itself is almost attached now to the mainland. When this happens, we will have a secondary full landbridge between Africa and Europe.

- The island of Crete is trying to merge in with other islands and connect to mainland Greece and Turkey. There are several bands of islands that look like they are merging together, and many new little islands appearing, then merging in with other islands. Greece looks like it's getting a lot more landmass.

- Cyprus has moved further away from Greece. It is almost reaching mainland Syria and Turkey, but it seems as though Turkey is trying to avoid this whole matter and pulling further back.

- The Sinai peninsula (Egypt) is starting to become disconnected from the Red Sea, as a landbridge is forming between Egypt and Saudia Arabia at the bottom of the peninsula. Similarly, between the country Djibouti, which is apparently now a county, and Yemen. If these landbridges connect, the Red Sea will become an inland sea.

- Several new islands are forming around the Canary Islands, to the north-west of Morocco.

- The sea-turtle looking thing that is Indonesia and New Guinea keeps changing.

- The Daru islands, between Australia and New Guinea, are becoming greater in size and number, and it looks like a landbridge is about to form here. We've been waiting for it to connect.

- A lot of new land is about to appear to the east of Australia, between the tail of the New Guinea/Indonesia turtle and New Zealand. You can see tiny little islands appear, almost day by day.

- The whole Malaysia - Indonesia island chain is constantly moving, creating new islands, and merging existing islands to form larger landmasses.

- Japan and surrounding islands are changing a lot. Islands seem to be merging closer together, but also getting closer to the mainland. It is expected that it will eventually fully connect, and stop being an island nation. Japan's northernmost island is almost connected already, and its westernmost island is growing closer to South Korea, with small islands forming in between.

- North Korea is getting eaten. South Korea has gotten both wider and longer, and North Korea has lost a lot of territory.

- Alaska is growing into Russia. It's going very slowly, not like Australia or Denmark, but there are more small islands appearing, and the distances are changing. The chain of islands off Alaska is also expanding and growing into a suddenly very large Russian island.

- Canada similarly is getting eaten. Many of it's northern islands look like they are moving towards Greenland, they have become further away from Canada and there are several new islands between them and Greenland. The great lakes in Canada are constantly changing, and Hudson Bay is becoming bigger. Currently looks like Canada is growing a big hole in the middle.

- The US Great lakes are changing constantly, including locations of big US cities relative to the state or landmarks they are in. It's been suggested the cities don't move (as much) but the borders and mountains and lakes do.

- The Gulf of Mexico is becoming an inland sea. The surrounding land is getting closer and closer together. Implications will be that Cuba, the US and Mexico have always been connected by land to each other, and share an inland sea, and so the political situation in the area will be entirely different.

- Puerto Rico is very slowly building an island chain to link into Venezuela.

- The Hawaiian islands are expanding. An 8th island is forming, Moloka'i and Maui are growing in size, the whole island of Kaho'olawe never used to exist, just as the new tiny islands of Molokini. It seems a long chain of islands is forming above Hawaii, eventually connecting it into Russia and Alaska.


- The ice cap on the South Pole will also disappear. We're starting to see slight indications of this over the last week, with mountaintops suddenly becoming visible. Similarly, the ice on Greenland is expected to disappear - not now, but already in the past.

- Deserts will start to withdraw or significantly lessen. In some places, like Somalia (Africa, under Saudi Arabia), the desert was spreading for a few weeks, but it's gotten smaller again. Eventually, whether it be in a few years or in a hundred years, our world is expected to no longer have deserts.

- Whole new continents will appear. Not through the lowering of the sea level, but as Mandela Effects, having always be there. These will be the places that a long time in the past (roughly 10.000 years) were shifted out of phase with our world, and have existed separately since. Our world is becoming whole again, and so the landmasses are making space to allow these split-off parts space to fold back in. That is to say, we're getting Atlantis back by the time this is done changing (anywhere from a decade to a hundred years), and Avalon, and places like that. And most of us won't even care, because they've "always been here".


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