A New Golden Age We have never seen a time as full of potential as this before in the history of our world. It is a time of massive change. facebook twitter google+ linkedin pinterest
The Return of the Light After millions of years of Shadow - of fear, anger, hate - a great wrong has been righted. The Light has returned, and with it joy, passion, creativity. facebook twitter google+ linkedin pinterest
The Return of Magic Magic, natural to humanity, is coming back into our world after thousands of years. With it, people are discovering their natural intuitive abilities. facebook twitter google+ linkedin pinterest
Awakening to the Heart At this very special time, humanity is making a an evolutionary leap to sentience. For the very first time, our species is reaching the energy of the heart. facebook twitter google+ linkedin pinterest
Kirael: Doctor & Captain To be ready for this Shift, much healing work had to be done. We needed a doctor, a captain. Kirael, one of the Old Ones, has been filling that role for the past 300.000 years. facebook twitter google+ linkedin pinterest
A Very Bright Future With the new Golden Age finally on track, the future for our world looks better than ever. The challenges of our past have allowed humanity an amazing potential. facebook twitter google+ linkedin pinterest