Mandela Effect

  • The most common term for the effect where people remember a world differently from the way it is now, is the Mandela effect, after president Mandela of South Africa. This was one of the first cases to catch people's attention: some remember him having died in prison in the 1980s, rather than becoming president and steering South Africa into a more peaceful time.

    While the term isn't a bad one, a better name for the effect is the mandala effect. A mandala is employed for focusing the attention of practitioners and adepts. It is intended to call people's attention to it and help them to notice what is happening, as a spiritual guidance tool and an aid to meditation.

    A mandala is a tool to help people to notice and make them more aware, which is exactly what this effect is doing. It is making millions of people aware of the Shift and the changes in our world.

  • This last one is really hard to fathom, and difficult to verify as most people don’t carry a clear awareness of Earth’s place in the galaxy with them, but it seems that the position of the solar system within the Milky Way has changed, from the edge of an outer arm to a branch near the center.

    The Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy starts with: "Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun.” This was, as far as most people knew, true. Now, it’s not. In addition, there are now three planets in our solar system with rings, rather than one.

    Let us suggest that Earth is not the only place subject to the mandala effect. The implications of this for us, for the sky we see at night, for astronomy and astrology and for the other species we might meet in the future, are as if of yet completely unclear.

  • Above, we tried to explain what has caused our timestream to change so much that what we see in the world does no longer match what we remember. However, that does not explain why we are suddenly noticing these changes now.

    The reason that the changes in our timestream, across our history, are coming to light now, is that the veil that was clouding our perception is lifting. When the world was in a place of darkness, these changes had to be made from behind the curtain. If people had noticed, it would have caused fear and panic and violence.

    It is finally time for humanity to start waking up, to start noticing the changes in the world and to become an aware, awake, sentient species. Some have called this the apocalypse, which doesn’t mean destruction, but rather an unveiling.

  • To those who have just begun studying the mandala effects, the changes may appear a little chaotic and random. They are not. All of the changes are made with a huge awareness, a deep love, and a mathematical precision that won’t be available to humans for many thousands of years.

    Change can be weird and a little intimidating, but there is nothing to worry about, no need to be afraid or defensive or hold on to the old way. If you watch the patterns in the mandala effects, you’ll see every change is bringing our world closer to something beautiful.

    The hard edges are being smoothed out, deserts are disappearing, some of the most horrifying things in history never even happened, structures who have held a lot of control are failing. All of this is allowing people to wake up and discover love and joy and creativity. 

  • Harmony has been very rare in the world as it used to be. In every era, in every nation, every family, there has been conflict, opposition, and struggle. This is now ending. Creatures in our world are starting to connect and live more in tune with themselves and each other and the world around them.

    With each new wave of mandala effects, more harmony is introduced, creating times where counties decided to talk instead of go to war, where animals and people supported rather than exploited each other, where resources are distributed more evenly, and where different ideas and ideologies could be explored side by side.

    Harmony is a thing of the heart, and as the energies of love are being woven into our timestream, more and more is starting to move in unity.


  • In addition to greater simplicity, we are consistently seeing trends towards greater kindness and softness. Plant and animal species are losing their venom and poison, different creatures get along better, wastelands like icecaps and deserts are disappearing, and nature itself is becoming less harsh.

    A lot of the horror and fear in our past is being edited out. In songs and music videos, the lyrics and videos and artists themselves have less harshness and more love. Horror movies are becoming less horrible and scary, as illustrated by the disappearance of the line “Hello, Clarice,” in Silence of the Lamb. The stories we tell our children are becoming less savage.

    As the world gets kinder and softer, and as these changes are working into our past, there will be less and less need for fear, anger and hatred, and more space for love, awareness and beauty.

  • One of the things that is changing, is that we are moving towards a world with greater simplicity. There has been a lot of confusion, obfuscation and complexity in our world that made it difficult for people to understand each other and to share ideas.

    What we are seeing is an increasing simplicity, for now especially in language. In many of the words, names, or brand names that have changed, the change has been towards a shorter, simpler word that is easier to read or pronounce. In some cases, letters themselves are suddenly being written more simplistically.

    In taking out some of the unnecessary noise and the distractions, in making things simpler and easier, people can begin to relax, to breathe, and to explore their world without having to worry that it will all be too much.

  • me effectsWhen you look up a few hundred Mandela effects, it becomes clear that while these changes seem to be everywhere, there are a couple of very distinct areas in which changes are concentrating: small things like spelling, names and logos, and much more relevant things like the human body, religion, geography, technology, and a few others.

    There are plenty of people doing excellent work on collecting and listing the effects, finding evidence that things really have changed, and helping you to notice what is going on. What we explain here is that these effects aren’t, in fact, randomly distributed all over the place, but that they are organized in a few distinct groups. That way, you can pick any area of interest to you, and study more specifically what is going on and what is changing in this area.

  • The mandala effect has been confusing and hard to get a hold of, because it has been so unclear why certain people remember, while others do not. Of those who have heard of the mandala effect and paid some attention to it, roughly one-third remembers the world being different, and two-third remembers the world always having been like this.

    Here is the difference between these people: those who experience the mandala effect are the ones who have access to the heart and higher minds, rather than just the guts. Almost without exception, they are the ones who recently had a walk-in experience. Having only recently come into this world, they are more closely connected to a higher awareness and the memories of who they were before. This does not make them more evolved, but it does give them some access to other paths they have taken, while those who only have access to the guts only remember what is right in front of them now.

  • There is a lot of consistency among those who experience the mandala effects. You can ask them, “What is this thing like?” and they will often give you the same answer as millions of others, the old timestream answer. In some cases, though, people remember different versions.

    This is not strange, and any confusion about it comes from the idea that there is one “old” reality and one “new”. Our timestream has been shifting constantly, and things may have changed multiple times.

    Which version(s) you remember depends on if you ever paid attention to the thing to begin with, if you are strongly emotionally connected to it, if you have encoded it mentally through repeated exposure, and from where in your energy system you are processing when you are trying to recall the memory.

  • Time travel is impossible... nearly, for most. As one of the original tones, one of the First (o Ani), Kirael exists far outside what we consider reality, and works directly with the deep underlying patterns that eventually create the world we see. For such a one, changing the way we move through time is possible.

    For the past million years, Kirael has been working to bring change to our world and help humanity awaken. At most key moments in our history, he has been there, actively changing things, inspiring people, nudging events. This is an enormous work, and hasn’t been done from a linear perception of time.

    Kirael has consistently worked across three dimensions of time. Whenever he has created a great change in the world, he worked that change back through history and into the future, with a peak at the time of the working. He has often created a change now by beginning the process long into the past.

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